Saturday, June 13, 2015

Scenes from Beach Week 2015

What a relaxing week!  My primary duties were preparing breakfast and lunch for my family and helping to clean up after supper every night (my brother-in-law is an excellent cook and he took care of most dinners--I did help chop vegetables one evening!), washing our laundry and taking care of my children. Easy

With cousins, an aunt, two uncles, and a set of grandparents around, the childcare part was easy too--there was lots of entertainment!  

Our house overlooked the pool and the ocean. 

I am recovered now, I think, after a rocky start to the week!  The laundry has been conquered, I organized and cleaned out my bathroom linen closet today, made a huge list of summer projects and goals (complete with weekly breakdowns of when I need to do each thing-whew!), we joined the pool, the house has been vacuumed and the main bathroom cleaned, I got 11 hours of sleep one night, and we're settling back into the new routine of summertime!  I am so grateful for the break that this vacation gave me and for the time I was able to spend enjoying my children, contemplating life, dipping into a few books, journaling, and reading my favorite pink Bible.  I am a thinker, a ponderer (an INFJ on the Meyers-Briggs scale), and the beach gave me a lot of time to think and ponder.  I also promised myself that I would not make lists, contemplate school, or think of my summer projects or tasks while I was gone--and I didn't!  

Relaxation supreme!  Perfectly-timed and a wonderful way to start the summer. 

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