Sunday, July 26, 2020

A New Habits Challenge: Check-In after Two Weeks

A couple of weeks ago I decided to challenge myself to change one habit per month, and the first habit to change was my bad habit of nibbling while standing up.

So, how's it going?

Well: it's going terribly!!!

The first few days I stuck with the new habit faithfully, but I noticed two things:

1) I was really, really hungry (I guess I'm getting calories I do need from that grazing!)


2) it's particularly difficult when I'm just busy, and I am hungry, and frankly, it's just easier to stand at the sink and eat an apple.

So I fell off the wagon, as they say! Last week was extremely busy for me and I must have eaten while standing multiple times.  

This week I'm hoping to do better, and here's how:

1) Eat more at meals, or at sit-down snacks. I don't think I eat enough at my normal mealtimes.

2) When I do feel hungry and need a snack, put it on a special plate and really enjoy it for 5 minutes. I'm not so busy that I can't take 5 minutes to focus on my snack!

That's all. I feel like this is simple and doable. 

I'll check back in mid-August and report on how I did.......


  1. I recently had to adopt this change at the insistence of my doctor (I am having GI issues). I am only supposed to eat 3x per day. It was really hard at first because I was always starving! I also tracked my calories and wasn't getting nearly enough. I've adapted by taking a lot more time at meals and making myself eat more. I also add in "desserts" (I'm not eating sweets, but I will finish a meal with a handful of strawberries, for example), which seems to help prevent cravings a couple hours later. Another tip is to make sure you're eating a ton of protein. If you want to have another reason for doing this, look into the Migrating Motor Complex (a process our bodies do after eating that takes about 4 hours but is interrupted if you eat) and also the insulin related benefits of not eating between meals.

    1. That IS hard! I am definitely working on eating more at lunch (I fill up quickly because I have a very, very large salad every day) in particular. I'm ravenous by 3pm most days--especially if I've done a lot of exercise!

  2. Look into the book, " The No S Diet" sounds like it would be helpful for you.
