Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Three Hours a Week

This is the first year I have instituted quiet time in our household, because Annie is finally old enough to play alone!  We only do QT, as we call it, three times a week, because on Tuesday afternoon we're at lessons and running errands, and on Friday afternoon our babysitter is here.  I began it for two reasons: first, as an introvert, I need some breathing room, and second, because our schedule is so full that it's hard for me to find time to simply read.

I have only one rule during quiet time: everyone in his or her own room.  You can draw, play with toys, look at books, but you need to hang out in your own space (we don't own video games or watch TV).  

So, during QT, the children hang out in their rooms and I spend time in my room.  I curl up on my bed with a cup of steaming hot decaf tea (and sometimes a snack!).  No screens are allowed during quiet time.  I just read good old-fashioned books!  And it is wonderful, restorative, blissful.  I emerge from quiet time feeling rejuvenated and grateful.

This has been an excellent addition to our day!

1 comment:

  1. What a good idea Polly, I believe quiet and stillness need to be taught as much as any other life skill. Children don't automatically know how to be still and quiet, they need role modelling and a time to practice it.
