Saturday, January 7, 2017

New Year Productivity

As always, the new year has ushered in a spurt of major productivity.  We were in Charleston for the better part of a week; before we left, we took down the tree, I deep-cleaned and reorganized the pantry, and I purged/tucked away many toys (our children's rooms are so much easier to keep neat now....I'm loving that).  Now I'm working on deep cleaning and re-organizing the basement, which includes the schoolroom, play/TV room, bathroom, storage/mechanical closet, laundry room, and laundry closet.  It was a mess. I'm close to done with the schoolroom and today I cleaned out the laundry closet.  You don't really know how gross a closet gets until you take everything out!  I went pretty wild and even mopped the floor with a bleach mixture.  Ahhh. 

Today I've also done hours of food prep in the kitchen because tomorrow afternoon we plan to have a little British tea party for Annie's birthday!

And also today: SNOW!  I couldn't handle more than 15 minutes in it (I was under-dressed, not realizing how low the temperature had dropped), but I got a good run down the hill on the inner-tube-sled. So fun!  My children, on the other hand, went out to play twice. 

My goal is to finish the basement completely before we start our new school semester.  The rest of the house is in pretty good shape and doesn't need much in the way of organizing.  We plan to start Tuesday, but I may delay our start by a couple of days in order to achieve the peace that a fully cleaned and organized space brings. 

When I'm not cleaning and purging and laundering and organizing, I'm watching "The Crown" (preferably on the elliptical trainer) and reading (in the bathtub!).  Very cozy indeed!

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