Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Summer Solstice, Summer School

...and the pool!

We took a couple of weeks off from school after standardized testing.  (Sometimes I enjoy resting on my laurels, and Finn gave me that opportunity yet again this year.  For a child who doesn't seem to do more than a sliver of school each day, and is so absent-minded I don't think I will let him have a driver's license, he sure does well on those tests.)  But today we began afresh: summer school.  

Summer school exists because Finn needs an extra hand to hold in math computation.  We also added in Bible, poetry, recitation, and nature study today because those things are just plain fun.  The whole shebang took an hour and a half and then we spent three hours at the pool.  Not bad!

His summer art class begins tomorrow.  It's our only consistent obligation this summer, and I'm happy to have weeks of low-key living spread out in front of us. Although I had grand visions of the projects I would do during our time off (painting the kitchen cabinets!), I actually don't think I'll do much. I want to soak in these halcyon days of summer, and be sure they are halcyon. Just tonight during our family gratitude time my husband was reminiscing over his idyllic summer days and evenings: the pool, the unhurried schedule, playing games in the yard, catching fireflies, playing in the creek.  

My kitchen cabinets can be smudgy for a few more months (or years?). Because babies don't keep.  

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