Thursday, June 6, 2019

Remembering Normandy

Our son Finn turns 12 tomorrow.  Seventy-five years ago today, thousands of other young sons stormed the beach at Normandy to stop the spread of the evil Nazi agenda.  Thousands of boys not much older than my own boy died in France on that day.  Thousands of families forever changed because they lost the son who'd brought them so much laughter and joy.

Freedom is never free.  Today I want to remember and honor those young soldiers who paid the ultimate price for my freedom, for my children's freedom, for the freedom of Europe, for the freedom of the Jewish people, and for the freedom of the other marginalized groups that Hitler targeted. 

Thanks to those boys on that beach for their role in stopping a tyrannical reign of terror and oppression. I can only imagine what their mothers went through, waiting to hear whether their sons were dead or alive. 

Oh beautiful for heroes proved, in liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life.

(Finn raising the flag with his great-grandfather 9 years ago)

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