Friday, November 13, 2020

Habits Challenge Check-In

 This summer I decided to focus on eliminating one bad habit per month. The first one I wanted to focus on was by far what I consider my worst habit: the habit of eating while standing up!  I started to work on it in July, and I quickly learned how hard it is to break your own worst habit. And that is why I haven't posted anything since!

I would say I'm almost there with this bad habit.  I still find myself grazing when I'm super hungry (the key is do not get super hungry or if you do get super hungry, sit DOWN for the snack!). I still find myself rummaging through the dark chocolate and having a square while I'm not fully focused, which is such an insult to good chocolate, and not the way I want to be at all......

So. I will continue to work on this, with the hope of being completely free of the bad habit by the end of this calendar year.  

And I've also begun working on another one of my bad habits.

Don't laugh, but I have the quirky habit of leaving a drawer or door slightly open.  Does anyone else do this? It's so strange! I think it's because our house is quite small, and closing a door or drawer makes a noise, and I trained myself when my children were young to make as little noise as possible (naptimes, early bedtimes, late waketimes), but it's not serving any purpose now.  

My husband and I laugh about me leaving a drawer one inch from being closed, or a door closed but not shut fast, but in reality, it is kind of an annoying habit--even if it's funny, because it serves no purpose except to not make noise, and it doesn't even make that much noise!

So! I have already started to turn over a new leaf on this, my most ridiculous bad habit.  I'm making a conscious effort to close the doors and drawers!  Popping in to get something out of the pantry?  Listen for the click that indicates it's shut.  Reaching into the mechanical room to get the broom?  Click, shut the door. Getting a spoon to stir the tea?  Push the drawer all the way in.  

So this month I'll be working on sitting down while eating and closing the drawer and doors all the way.  

Oh, humans!  We are such a funny lot. 

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