Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Slipcovered Piano Bench

A couple of years ago we inherited my grandmother's piano.  I have loved having this piano in our main room, where I can listen to Finn practice (our other piano is downstairs from our main living space). But I have to say, the peachy fabric on the piano bench left a lot to be desired. I don't want to reupholster it yet, because I don't want to commit to a fabric just yet.  So I just decided to sew it some new clothes! 

This project was quite easy and I knocked it out in the course of about two hours one afternoon.  I used white denim fabric that I'd gotten ages ago for a song.  I only stuck myself once or twice with the pins and did not have to rip out any seams.  Amazing!

I have discovered that I have a heretofore-unknown love of piping.  I could make and sew piping all day long.  Please, send me something else to pipe!!  It's so fun.

The skirt turned out a bit shorter than I wanted, but it's still super cute and much more my speed than the peach-colored fabric that matched nothing in my house and didn't look right at all.  I'm happy with it!

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