Saturday, January 16, 2021

Organizing in 2021

 I have many flaws, but one strength I have is that I am a pretty well-organized person.  This trait has helped tremendously over the years as I had to learn to manage a household, raise children, and homeschool, all from scratch.  I had zero domestic training as a teenager and young adult.  I was trained to read, think, write, and practice law.  I was not trained to run a household. (I won't be making that mistake with either of my own children!)

The learning curve was steep, but eventually I got pretty good at these domestic things, and I think that one of my innate strengths--organization--really helped.

There are times in life when I'm not as "together."  During most of 2018 I used my executive functioning skills on the practical aspects of being caregiver to a cancer patient and meeting my children's emotional needs.  It was time well-spent; it was worth every minute.  My closets may not have been as tidy as I'd like, but I was doing what was most important in life, and I have zero regrets about that.  

So this year I plan to do one organizing post per month, because--let's face it--most people don't have time to organize constantly.  But perhaps one tip per month will help someone out there who, like me, is perhaps struggling to learn how to run a household smoothly, efficiently, and (most importantly), with love. 

Here's the lineup:

January: The Planner

February: The Fridge  

March: The Pantry 

April: The Leaving-the-House Items 

May: The Seasonal Stuff 

June: The Meals 

July: The School Books and Bins 

August: The Important Documents 

September: The Car 

October: The Library 

November: The Holidays 

December: The Chores 

I am not sure that I have anything too earth-shattering to share (you may have great ideas, too, and if so, I welcome them! I love learning new tips and tricks), but perhaps these posts will help someone!

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