Saturday, April 1, 2017

A Haiku A Day

Today National Poetry Month began and yesterday morning I was reflecting on "NaPoWriMo" (National Poetry Writing Month, where the goal is to write a poem a a day for the entire month). I've never been able to achieve such heights because that level of output overwhelms me. 

*But!!* yesterday as I drank coffee and looked out at the foggy fields I realized what I can do is write a haiku each day. Not because writing haiku is easier (it's not!), but it's shorter, and I can just jot the poem's bits and pieces down on the daily to-do list that sits on my kitchen counter.  I can ponder it throughout the day while I'm doing all my routine cooking and cleaning and sewing and such, and by bedtime I can have 17 syllables, and it doesn't feel like I've had to sit down and write something. 

I had a head start yesterday: 10 syllables before breakfast, and it wasn't even April yet! As of tonight, I've got two sweet little haiku. 

Many thanks to the fog for its inspiration. 

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